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We help Furniture store owners make a ton of sales with Facebook ads.

Ask About Our Lead Magnet Strategy


Hoping and Praying for Walk-ins?

  • Feeling like you're throwing money to the wall?

  • Are you frustrated with a lack of consistency?

  • Ready to build a system that generates walk-ins on demand?


Our proven 3 step system



Most retailers don't have a consistent, predictable, and reliable way to generate leadflow, which is simply someone who has raised their and submitted their contact info.



After someone raises their hand, the next goal is to get them booked. Even if you're open hours, wouldn't you rather anticipate Walk-ins than hope and pray for them?



Most stores aren't selling a high enough ticket because they allow the customer to tell them what they can afford, rather than lead the customer to what they need.

Customer leads using the power of Facebook ads.

We help furniture owners leverage the power of Facebook ads. It's a new, untapped advertising platform that offers huge opportunity for the early adopters. That's how we make our clients win. It's simple, we help you build a paid ads system to put $1 in and get $5+ out, that's the goal.

We help Furniture store owners make a ton of sales with Facebook ads.

Leads that convert over and over again. Quality.

Our customers agree that our leads are: cheaper to buy, quicker to close and more reliable to close than anything they achieved via Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads – or any other kind of traffic channel they've used in the past.

Leads that convert over and over again. Quality. Futue Cut Media


What others are saying...

rating stars

"I couldn't believe it, I was getting a ton of leads within 48 hours of the ads going live!!!"

- Jamal P.

rating stars

"He's always very responsive to my needs, even on the weekends"


rating stars

"Best investment ever,"

-David & Yoni

Zelaya Overstock Home - Little Rock Arkansas

Family Furniture - Coachella California

Interested in working with us? Here's what it looks like.


Watch Lead Magnet Strategy Training

You're going to fill out a form and watch a free video training explaining how we can help you.


Schedule your marketing

strategy session.

After watching the free training you're going to be prompted to book a strategy call, choose a time that works best for you. In the call we will audit your furniture store and see how or if we can help you.


Implement Lead Magnet Strategy ASAP.

If it makes sense, we start working together! There’s no time better than now .

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you use Facebook only? There are many ads platforms – why not diversify?

Different platforms work very differently for Furniture store owners. We know this from experience.

But when it comes to finding exclusive leads for Furniture store owners. we know exactly what works – and that’s Facebook. 

In terms of quality of lead and cost Facebook has been our undisputed champion for lead generation. 

And because we only use Facebook and we only work with furniture store owners… we’ve developed a lead generation expertise that is unbeatable.

Because using Facebook's powerful audience tools we can pinpoint audiences in super-fine detail. 

Facebook makes this possible – if you really know how to use it. And being expert Facebook advertisers means we can help furniture store owners like yourself stand out from the pack!

Until some other platform comes along that can outdo Facebook we’re going to stick with it. It works!

Why don’t you work with furniture store owners making less than $10k a month in sales?

We earn when you earn. Our success is based on your success. In the past, the new flow of customers has overwhelmed smaller companies and they’ve had to switch off their campaigns while they try to handle the new workflow. Which means they stop using our services until they work out how to run their own business.

We need companies who can handle the increase in business and keep the revenues flowing. 

Larger businesses – those that have exceeded the $10k a month mark – have already worked out how to handle larger volumes of work. Their processes are more robust. They have good people in place. 

For them, handling a fairly sudden uplift in business is a matter of expanding what they already do – rather than having to learn it all from scratch. 

No matter where you operate the business is all there. We want to work with clients who can handle it. 

Why must I qualify before I can work with you?

Some companies will not be able to handle the leads we send them. 

We’ve seen it before. 

They become overwhelmed. They don't follow up with leads properly and consistently. And so they have to switch off their ad campaign, regroup and try to work out how to handle this new situation. 

Which means our services are no longer required for a while – which isn’t good business for us.

Whereas bigger companies have already got things in order. 

Even if the new flow of leads is initially tough to handle, they’ll quickly adapt because they’ve already worked out their best processes, they already have good people in place… They simply need to upscale what they already do. 

Big furniture stores don’t have to learn how to be bigger furniture stores – they just have to expand their current set-up.

We earn our money when our efforts are earning you your money. 

Small companies switching everything off because they’re overwhelmed doesn’t help our bottom line. Our growth is tightly bound to yours so as new business comes in… we want to be sure you can handle it. 

What if you work with another similar business in my area, won’t that hurt my business?

That won’t happen. 

Before we take on a new client we make sure they’re right for us. In other words we first qualify them (just like we qualify new clients for you).

Part of that qualification is: do we already have a client in the area you operate in?

We routinely refuse to take on clients because their business competes with an existing client’s business. 

So rest assured: if you are our client then we will not take on a new client in your area of operation. 

What if I don't got nothing set up?

no worries, we can set up everything from a business manager to your ad manager if you got nothing set up.

Taking no action is the biggest mistake any business can make. Ready to grow your Furniture Store to the next level?

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